Goals of BADTOFEED – How it works – How we got here (by Denis Richard)

Introduction of instructors by themselves (in order of appearance): Denis Richard (Water Planet) – Elsa M. Haubold, Ph.D. (FWC  Division of Habitat and Species Conservation) – Major Bruce Cooper (Regional Commander for the FWC’s Northwest Region) – Special agent Gregg Houghaboom (NOAA Office of Law Enforcement) –   Kristin L. Stewart Ph.D, JD (Marine Mammal Laws and Policies, Pactical Ethics) – Dr. Lydia Staggs (Marine Mammal Veterinarian at Gulf World Marine Park) – Dan Blasko (Head Trainer at Gulf World Marine Park), Secret Holmes (Director of Training and Animal Husbandry at Gulf World Marine Park) – Captain Kenneth Parramore (FWC Northwest Region).

Module 1a

Objective: understand the history of dolphin/whale watching, how things can go awry, and important economic impacts of wildlife viewing.

Overview of Marine Tourism Worldwide(by Denis Richard)

– The worst and the best – How did they get where they are?

–  Marine Tourism in the US

–  Evolution of whale watching in the last 20 years

–  Evolution of Dolphin Tours in Panama City – 20 years ago, 20 years from now

–  How do we get where we want to go?

–  BTF Guidelines

Dolphins and Wildlife Viewing in Florida (by Elsa Haubold)

–   Similar problems in Florida

–   Attitudes toward dolphin feeding in Panama City

–  Wildlife viewing economic impacts in Florida:

Module 1b

Objective: Understand the relevant regulations pertaining to marine mammals and marine mammal viewing and understand FWC and NOAA’s law enforcement perspective

The Legal/Enforcement Aspect (by Major Bruce Cooper (FWC) and Special agent Gregg Houghaboom (NOAA)

–  U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)

–  FWC’s legal requirements for boating and behavior around dolphins

Human-Dolphin Encounter Spaces (by Dr. Kristin L. Stewart.30 minutes)

–  Practical Ethics of Swim-with-the-Dolphins Programs involving free ranging dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico

Watch the 4 videos below for Module 1

Module 2

Objective: Understand dolphin biology, physiology and behavior

Basic Dolphin Anatomy, Desease and Human Interaction (by Dr. Lydia Staggs).

Natural Behavior (by Dan Blasko and Secret Holmes).

–  Communication

–   Communication, Vocals, Posturing

–   Precursors to Agression.

–   Human Interaction

Watch the 2 videos below for Module 2

Module 3

Objective: Understand the current science and state of knowledge about local dolphin populations.

Our Neighbor Dolphins (by Elsa Haubold)

–  Existing Studies – Overview of a few local studies on the local wild dolphin population: Wanda Jones – Mote Lab and University of N. Carolina Willington, FSU and NOAA – Thibaut Bouveroux Population ID.

Watch the video below for Module 3